Counting Each And Every Blessing

Try thinking about three things to give thanks for today. Write them down. Do it again tomorrow. You will soon get into the habit of identifying those blessings. And on the tough days, when everything seems to have gone wrong, look back through the blessings you've written down on the good days and be encouraged by them.

When Our Child Becomes Nocturnal

If you journey with a nocturnal child (of any age) who is up in the night on a regular basis, I know how hard that journey is, I understand and empathise with you. It may help you to know next time you are up in the early hours that you are not alone, I may well be up with James too.

Was Zacchaeus Disabled? And What Can We Learn From Him?

Jesus didn’t treat Zacchaeus differently because of his short stature, he didn’t talk to him like a child, or pity him, or ridicule him. He noticed Zacchaeus, he looked into Zacchaeus’ heart and soul, he called out to him, he saved him and transformed his life. Zacchaeus wasn’t physically taller as a consequence of his encounter with Jesus, but he was a better man in the ways that mattered most.

Jesus Heals Malchus, The High Priest’s Servant, During His Arrest

Malchus was the last person that we have record of that Jesus physically healed during his ministry on earth, and in this act of healing he taught us much that is relevant to us today...

A Young Autistic Poet’s Story – Guest Post

Hi, I’m Romilly. I’m an Autistic 22 year old girl with a collection of medical conditions. For years I’ve struggled to make and maintain friendships; I didn’t understand others and they didn’t understand me. I often feel lonely and isolated because I just don’t understand the social rules that others seem to be born understanding. … Continue reading A Young Autistic Poet’s Story – Guest Post

Jesus Said Go After The ‘One’: Be Like The Good Shepherd

Sometimes I get asked why we should make the effort to reach out to children and young people with additional needs, when this sometimes means we have to balance their needs against the needs of the rest of the group. I always say the same thing… Jesus told us to go after the 1.

How The Faith Of The Canaanite Woman Inspires Us Not To Give Up

There is an often-overlooked short story in the Gospels that many miss but which, while short, is rich with symbolism, meaning, and most of all hope! It’s the story of when a Canaanite woman (sometimes referred to as a Syrophoenician woman) came to Jesus to ask him to heal her daughter, how the disciples and … Continue reading How The Faith Of The Canaanite Woman Inspires Us Not To Give Up

What Is Your ‘Ikigai’, Your â€˜Calling’?

I don’t really think about what I do as ‘work’ anymore. It’s what I’m ‘meant’ to do, it’s what gets me out of bed in the morning. If a distant relative that I had never known happened to leave me a million pounds, I would still do what I do, I can’t not do it, it’s my calling, my ikigai… What is yours?

How An Unexpected Change Broke Through Five Years Of Anxiety!

I know families like ours whose children (of any age) have been housebound for years or have not been inside anywhere new for a long time. James’ story gives these families hope; hope that their child may be supported to make a breakthrough too, hope that there may be a mountain top for them to enjoy someday as well… maybe sooner than they think!

Samantha Milne – Crusader, Wheelchair Basketball Player, Superhero

As the dust settles from another successful Paralympic Games, what is the ongoing reality for disabled people in the UK? We asked Sam Milne, a wheelchair basketball player with Leicester Cobras, and who featured in the recent BBC News broadcast about the Paralympics legacy and the ‘WeThe15’ campaign representing the 15% of the world's population … Continue reading Samantha Milne – Crusader, Wheelchair Basketball Player, Superhero