Additional Needs And Home Education

This is a guest blog from Molly Ashton, a long term home educating mum. She and her husband have four children, two by birth and two by adoption. Their older two are now young adults and she continues to home educate their girls; additional needs are a part of this journey...

Looking For Light In The Darkness

These times we are living in are hard, aren’t they? Living through the last 12-months has sometimes seemed like a never ending ‘Groundhog Day’, and the current lockdown has seemed harder that previously due to fatigue and the weather not being so good.It seems so dark, and I don’t just mean the still short days … Continue reading Looking For Light In The Darkness

Looking After Mental Health During Lockdown

The first case of COVID-19 was reported in the UK on 31st January 2020, an unfortunate anniversary that is rapidly approaching. While, rightly, the key focus at this time is the continued battle against the Coronavirus pandemic, there is another dangerous health crisis developing which has the potential to last for very much longer and to … Continue reading Looking After Mental Health During Lockdown